Our Journey to Net Zero 

Energies of the Future to Net Zero by 2030

Energies of the Future is committed to reducing its environmental impact and contributing to a more sustainable future. This plan outlines specific strategies and actions to reduce our carbon footprint. By implementing these measures, we aim to achieve net Zero  by 2030.

Current Carbon Footprint Assessment

Identify Key Sources:

    • Energy consumption 
    • Vehicle emissions
    • Waste disposal

Quantify Emissions:

    • Energy consumption – Electric 1461.7 kg/Co2e
    • Vehicle emissions,
      • Van 1 -  161.2 g/km 
      • Van 2 -  161.2 g/km
      • Van 3 -  161.2 g/km
      • Car 1 – 143g/km
      • Car 2 – 128g/km
      • Car 3 – 128g/km
    •  Waste disposal 8192 kg/Co2e


Baseline Establishment:

    • Energy consumption  1461.7 kg/Co2e
    • Vehicle emissions 1772 kg/Co2e
    • Waste disposal 8192 kg/Co2e

Reduction Targets

  • Goals:
    • 1-2 years,  reduce energy consumption by 35%)
    • 3-4 years,  reduce energy consumption by 35%)
    • 5 years,  reduce energy consumption by 30%)
    • Achieve net Zero by 2030


Action Plan

  1. Energy Efficiency: Energy Audits: Conduct regular energy audits to identify inefficiencies. Efficient Lighting: Upgrade to LED lighting and implement smart lighting controls.  HVAC Optimization: Tune HVAC systems to maximize efficiency.  Renewable Energy: Explore opportunities for on-site or off-site renewable energy generation Solar panels and Air Source Heat Pump.
  2. Sustainable Materials and Waste Reduction: Material Sourcing: Prioritize sustainable and recycled materials. Waste Minimization: Implement waste reduction strategies. Recycling and Composting: Establish efficient recycling and composting programs.
  3. Transportation and Logistics: *Fleet Optimization: Evaluate fleet composition and consider electric or hybrid vehicles. Route Optimization: Use route planning software to minimize fuel consumption and emissions. *Remote Work: Encourage remote work to reduce commuting emissions.
  4. Employee Engagement and Education: Sustainability Training: Provide regular training on environmental issues and best practices. Incentivize Sustainable Behaviours: Offer incentives for eco-friendly actions;  carpooling, bike commuting. * Employee-Led Initiatives: Encourage employee-led sustainability projects.

Monitoring and Reporting

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Establish KPIs to track progress energy consumption, waste reduction and Vehicle emissions reduction.
  • Regular Reporting: Generate regular reports on carbon emissions and reduction efforts.
  • Third-Party Verification: Consider third-party verification of carbon reduction claims.

Budget and Resource Allocation

  • Allocate Budget: Allocate sufficient budget for implementing the plan.
  • Assign Responsibilities: Assign specific responsibilities to team members.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review and adjust the plan as needed.

By implementing this comprehensive carbon reduction plan, Energies of the Future can significantly reduce its environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.

The Board of Directors has approved this plan on 12/11/2024


